The PSMA is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization incorporated in the state of California. As stated in the papers of incorporation – “The purpose of the Association shall be to enhance the stature and reputation of its members and their products, improve their knowledge of technological and other developments related to power sources, and educate the entire electronics industry, plus academia, as well as government and industry agencies as to the importance of, and relevant applications for, all types of power sources and conversion devices.”

PSMA hosts a number of voluntary technical committees in areas such as capacitors, magnetics, packaging, semiconductors, energy management, reliability and safety. EnerHarv was devised by the PSMA Energy Harvesting Committee.

EnerHarv Workshop Committee Members 

Mike Hayes Tyndall, PSMA Energy Harvesting Committee Co-Chair
Brian Zahnstecher PowerRox, PSMA Energy Harvesting Committee Co-Chair
Candice Byrd NC State
Francesco Carobolante IoTissimo
Baoxing Chen Analog Devices
Jane Cornett Analog Devices
Francesco Cottone NiPS
Adam Curry NC State
Sijun Du TU Delft
Maeve Duffy National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG)
Lorandt Foelkel Wurth Elektronik
Geoffroy Gosset EPeas
Joe Horzepa PSMA
John Horzepa PSMA
Mohamed Jatlaoui Murata
Michalis Kiziroglou Imperial College London
Roberto la Rosa STMicroelectronics
Brendan O’ Flynn Tyndall
Mehmet Ozturk NC State
Denis Pasero Ilika
James Rohan Tyndall
Shad Roundy University of Utah
Steve Savulak UTRC
Karen Shore NC State
Peter Spies  FhG-IIS
Marcus Taylor  Fleximatix
Dusan Vuckovic  Ikea
Ping Yang  Southwest Jiaotong University